Friday 22 June 2012

How to stop copying content from blogger

  1. First  open your Blog.
  2. Now Goto > Layout
  3. Now Select Add A Gadget
  4. In Add A Gadget  select Html/JavaScript
  5. Now select The below given Java script And Paste and Save.

Copy Given below text and paste in your Blogger

<script type="text/javascript">
var omitformtags=["input", "textarea", "select"]
function disableselect(e){
if (omitformtags.indexOf(
return false
function reEnable(){
return true
if (typeof document.onselectstart!="undefined")
document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false")

Saturday 9 June 2012

How to create rock Texture in photoshop

First Open  a New document with white Background.

Then Create a New layer By pressing Shit+ctrl+N.

then goto Edit>Fill>50% Gray .

Make sure Background color is Black and Foreground color is white.

Now goto Filter >Render>Diffence clouds.

After Applying Diffence coluds Effect Press Ctrl+F  for Few times to repeat  effect.
then you will Have  like below Picture.

now Goto Filter>Stylize>Emboss

 Follow the settings.

 Anglw : -161
 Height : 3
 Amount : 500%

Final Result:

how to create abstract background in photoshop

First Open A New Document .

Now Create A New layer by Cliking Ctrl+Shift+N

 Make Sure That Foreground Color is White and Background color is select Gradient tool and Drag by holding Shift rom down to upwards.

Now Goto Filter>Distort>Wave and follow Given Settings.

now goto Filter>Distort>PolarCoordinates

After applying PolarCoordinates Effect 

Now Goto Image>Adjustments>Hue/saturation
Follow The Given settings.

Final Result:

How to Cretae Wooden Texture in photoshop

First Open A New Document.

Now Create A New Layer.

Make Sure Foreground Color is #92621e and select Paint Bucket Tool and fill The Document 

Now goto Filter >Noise>Add Noise And Follow The Settings.


Now Goto Filter>Blur>MotionBlur and Follow The given Settings.

Final Result:

Golden Text Effect With Relection

First Open A New Document.

Now Create A new layer By Pressing Ctrl+Shift+N

Now  Apply Gradient With
Forground color:#d26217
Background colr:#f1d321

Now Take Text Tool  Foreground color:#d29017 And  Font:Impact Write Text 
And Press Ctrl+T and Resize Text.

Now Right Click On Text Layer and Goto Blending Options>Bevel and Emboss

Follow The settings

Now Text Looks like this.

Now Make A Copy Of Text Layer By selecting Text Layer and Press Ctrl+J

Now Select Copy Layer Of  Text Layer goto Edit>Transform>Flip Vertical

Now Text Look like Below

Now Click On Move tool and Press Down Arrow Few Times and Set Like Below.

 Now In Layers Pallet Set The copy Layer Opacity :30%

Final Result:

Create Brick Wall In Photoshop

First Create A New Document With White Background.

Now Create A Newlayer By Pressing Ctrl+Shift+N.

Now Take Foreground Color:#7350c,Bckground:#28180c

And Take Paintbucket Tool and Fill The New layer With Forground color.

Now Goto Filter>Skech>Conte Crayon
And Follow The Settings.

Final Result:

Mirror Image Effect In Photoshop Tutorial

First Open A Image.

 Now  Unlock It By Double Clicking On Image in Layer palette.

Name It layer 0 and click ok.

Now  Layer 0 Selected Goto Image>Canvas Size
Follow The Setting Click ok.

Now canvas look like This.

now make a Copy Of orginal  image (Layer 0 ) By pressing Ctrl+J.

Copy later  Selected Goto Edit>Transform>Vertical.

Image Look like below.

 Now Goto  Tool Menu Select Move Tool Then Move The image to empty Canvas Like below.

Now Select Both Layers By Holding Shit Button And Click On Both layers In Layers palette and Merge Them Into One Layer By Pressing Ctrl+E.

Final Result: